Development of FXParabol is based on a combination of the Parabolic SAR and Bollinger Bands indicators. The robot uses a combination of these indicators in such a way as to detect a trend and determine the moment when to start trading in the direction of this trend. There is also a special mathematical algorithm in the EA that allows it to compensate even for losing trades.
FXParabol robot works on two currency pairs: USDJPY, USDCHF and EURUSD. It has a special system that limits possible drawdowns, which you can easily configure in the settings. The robot is compatible with any broker and has no limitations on the types of accounts used.
By purchasing this robot, you will receive two versions of the program that works on MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms. Also, you will be able to manage your license online in a Personal Area.
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