PushTheTrend it's an automated trading system for trading on Forex market. It uses MetaTrader4 terminal to make deals and bring money. PushTheTrend decides by itself when to BUY currency and when to SELL it, and does it well.
Why the system has so strange name? It's just becouse of the strategy what this system use. The main principle what using in trading, is determination of movement power. The expert adviser is waiting for a currency activity and if it sees that this activity is strong and can push the market further, it opens a trade in the activity direction, thereby helping to push the market.
The main features of PushTheTrend automated trading system!
- It DOES NOT use a Martingale principle.
- It DOES NOT use grid strategy.
- It DOES NOT use hedging and arbitrage.
- It DOES NOT use scalping (this adviser makes about 40.0 profit points from each order with an average stop loss in about 25.0 points).
- Unpretentious to trading conditions (spread and slippage almost do not influence on trading results).
- Each order has its own TakeProfit and StopLoss values.
- Automated twenty-four-hour trading.
- 2 built-in algorithms of determining an entry point.
- Absolute compliance with NFA (FIFO, no hedging).
- Built-in system of fast capital recovery.
- Positive results of long backtesting of the strategy (from 1999 to our days) including quotes with 99% quality.
- Support of low leverage (from 1:50).
- Can start trade with small deposits (from 100$).
- Can work on any accounts with any brokers.
- Full capability of two pairs EURUSD and GBPUSD.